Investment Institute

Monthly Market Update

Our experts examine markets and the latest macroeconomic trends.

Monthly Market Update

June Monthly Investment Strategy - The times they are a-changin’

  • by David Page, Hugo Le Damany, and others
  • 26 June 2024 (10 min read)
Monthly Market Update

June Op-Ed - Political risks get in the way of decent macro

  • by Gilles Moëc, Chris Iggo
  • 26 June 2024 (10 min read)
Monthly Market Update

May Monthly Investment Strategy - Governments extend influence over outlooks

  • by David Page, François Cabau, and others
  • 30 May 2024 (10 min read)
Monthly Market Update

May Op-Ed - If you are bored by central banks, Tech remains interesting

  • by Gilles Moëc, Chris Iggo
  • 30 May 2024 (10 min read)
Monthly Market Update

April Op-Ed - Looking outside the West

  • by Gilles Moëc, Chris Iggo
  • 26 April 2024 (10 min read)
Monthly Market Update

April Monthly Investment Strategy - US shifts outlook, who shall follow?

  • by David Page, François Cabau, and others
  • 26 April 2024 (10 min read)
Monthly Market Update

March Op-Ed - Direction of travel confirmed

  • by Gilles Moëc, Chris Iggo
  • 27 March 2024 (7 min read)
Monthly Market Update

March Global Macro Monthly - Inflation divergence to drive monetary tensions

  • by David Page, François Cabau, and others
  • 27 March 2024 (7 min read)
Monthly Market Update

March Global Macro Monthly - Inflation divergence to drive monetary tensions

  • by David Page, François Cabau, and others
  • 27 March 2024 (7 min read)
Monthly Market Update

February Op-Ed - Exploring Exuberance

  • by Gilles Moëc, Chris Iggo
  • 28 February 2024 (10 min read)